Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weekend Fun

always going...

Do you ever feel like your riding the tornado of life and sometimes it goes faster on certain days and by the end of the week or month you feel really dizzy.  I think I am on the fast part of the tornado and lately most days I am in a daze.. although I have to say it's not that bad!  I have been really excited about a few past blogs because I have gotten comments from non-friends!  There are actually people reading my BLOG... and they (you) actually like it!  What a nice compliment.  So thanks I now feel better that  I am not actually talking to myself. So this past weekend was really nice and seemed to go super fast...

My best friends Nicole and Barry are having a baby... I unfortunately missed the celebration on Saturday in Savannah and of course I just finished getting the gift ready.  Yet again better late than never... so tomorrow morning I will put the box in the mail goodies for both mommy and new baby.  I had to share how cute the box of goodies turned out.  I love giving gifts it's one of my favorite things in life...

Sunday Josh and I went to the movies and we saw the Expendables (not bad for a guy movie) and went to Borders were I picked up the new Where Women Create... if you have never seen the magazine you MUST pick it up! It's a little pricey but I always seem to buy it. This month Amy Butler is the cover story.  Her studio is pretty awesome...check it out!

So really my weekend days are Sunday and Monday because the shop is closed on Mondays.  Yesterday was pretty awesome.  In the morning I helped mom do some catering.  She made chicken Marsala it was so good.  I get hungry just thinking about it.  So anyway after out luncheon we decided to do some antiquing. One flea market and two antique malls' later we came home with some great stuff.  Some of it will be at Country Living Fair!!! I guess you will all have to come check it out there ;)...

antique shop's cat

mom's new cutting board

So today it's back to the shop!  Saturday I started cutting fat quarters, fat halves and fat eighths for Country Living Fair'S.  I got alot done but I knew I needed to figure out a way to identify what they were but more importantly make sure that customers don't forget where then got that piece of fabric I came up with this...

there is nothing better than polka dots

So that is what I have been up to the last few days... and some other stuff I haven't had a chance to take pictures of so more surprises to come... speaking of which here's a sneak peak of one! 

NEW Farm dale Fabric.... 

I know new fabric... I think I may have to focus one blog on just this fabric because it's FABULOUS!!!! Until Next time...

P.S. hopefully Nicole doesn't read the blog LOL!

1 comment:

  1. I loved Expendables!

    I came across this video on youtube. I laughed my butt off homegirl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMQ9WeIZTNU&feature=player_embedded
