You know that last few months have been a whirlwind.... and the last week seems even crazier. I don't have any good excuses why I haven't talked to you. The true reason I was enjoying the whirlwind well because I only get/got to do this once. I know I have neglected this blog, shop, and to be honest some of you my loyal customers even friends... I'm back now though coming back down off cloud nine. I really don't even know where to begin. I think this post will just be the start of me getting back to the "normal" everyday things. No more wedding planning. Believe it or not I have a little bit of the wedding blues. My poor husband has caught me in the middle of water works (more than once)... I think he thinks that I am depressed that I married him... not really my Joshua I am so happy filled with joy that I married you. I think that I have ran my self ragged for the last 6 months... and now the feeling of getting the Goodhart house together, working on my own designs, and getting back to all these crazy ideas in my head for the shop seems actually relaxing. I am surrounded by piles of gifts, tables with red polka dot wrapping paper from the last of the wedding celebration... seems so bitter sweet. October 10th through yesterday I would say were the best days of my life. Zoe my best friend you said it best "the city and country mouse meet and who knew they had so much and common". She came for the whole week to help get ready without her October 20th would not be possible. The newly engaged Debbie and Nick came and were amazingly huge support! Jillian my kindred spirit you always are there when I need you. Abbie you are just always there... Love you! Ian & Michelle I am so honored to call you brother and sister thank you for all your hard work at the reception hall. Kaitlyn thank you for taking care of Abba Boo while we were away! To my "Man of Honor" you stepped out of your comfort zone by standing on my side and wearing red shoes! I love you so much Drew I hope that I have shown you that it is always better to be different than just regular. To Josh and I 's parents... wow you have gone over and above your call of duty. Anita and Larry the rehearsal dinner was breathtaking. Larry the meat was killer! Barb I know you stepped out of your box by making cookies and thanks for the behind the scene stuff. Mom and Dad... you made the day exactly how I envisioned it when I was a little girl and better. I hope that I can be as strong, caring, and down right amazing like you when I am a parent. Grandma Janet needs a shout out if it wasn't for her the bridal party gifts would not have gotten finished! I truly hope that you all loved the quilts as much as we loved giving them to you. I regret not having a camera when you all opened them. I know I have a few to finish up! Yes, 21 quilts were given away to all the people near and dear to Josh and I. There are so many people who truly made that day the best... you know who you are!
If you are planning a wedding take a look at these people! Please don't hesitate to call me and pick my brain I would love to share all my sources!
Our AWESOME Photographers... take a look at the big tease of some of our photos from that day on their blog! You know that these guys are good when I picked them... they have the touch and style that I was looking for :) http://genevievenislyblog.com/
The Corinthian in Sharon PA the site of the PARTY! Let me tell you that was one fun night!
I guess this is the thing... and after writing this I now know why tears come to my eyes so easy. I am so overly overwhelmed with the Love that surrounds me.... Josh there are so many emotions I am enough of a cheese ball to even really tell you how I feel. All I know is I am so thankful to have you and hope that you feel as welcomed to my family as I do to yours. You keep telling me that our first Rule to our new marriage Goodhart Rule#1: One thing at a Time (yes he is a NCIS fan). I will try my damnest... cause the list in my head of all things we have to do is so long! I guess is what makes it so good! Get your writing hand ready Mr. Goodhart we have A TON of Thank you's to write!
One more thing: To my Nicole you were here every second of the day I could feel you with me! I know you are on the road to recovery and that God is good plus I have sent my special angels your way I know they are with you and helping you feel better!
In closing my biggest goal for Josh and I's day was that everyone that was near and dear to us and that every guest felt like they were part of what Josh and I were feeling. Each one of you who attended I hope you felt the love that Josh and I share for each other. I hope that you got goosebumps at least one and not the kind you got from being cold. So now that tears are pouring.... I got to get back to the normal things... :) and getting used to saying Kori Goodhart instead of Turner... however I am hyphenating ;)!